

The 5thC onsortium Meeting took place at the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, 5th-6th October 2022. The first day focused on hands-on workshops where we will review part of the work done during the last 6 months in a participative way. The second day focused on project management and the progress update of all W...

Speakers: Gregorio López, WP leaders
Date: October 5, 2022 15:36 UTC

2nd Consortium Meeting

This Second Consortium Meeting brought together all partners for the second time. Work Package leaders from WPs on execution have presented their progress on the first 6 months of the project. Additionally, WPs that have not already started have presented their workplan. After this second meeting we can conclude that t...

Speakers: Gregorio López, Violeta Vázquez González, WP leaders, Maria Reneses Botija, Pieter Gryffroy
Date: March 10, 2021 00:00 UTC

Kick Off Meeting of the Project

This First Consortium Meeting brought together all partners for the first time. An introduction to the main aim of the project was made by the project coordinator and a more detalied workplan of the different Wps was made by each workpackage leader. Additionally, the Project Officer also explained the main issues and c...

Speakers: Gregorio López, Violeta Vázquez González, Markus Walter, WP leaders
Date: October 1, 2020 10:00 UTC