Serious Games: Applications and Lessons Learned
Workshop, organized within the scope of the H2020 project RAYUELA (empoweRing and educAting YoUng pEople for the internet by pLAying), focuses on illustrating the opportunities offered by serious games by going through several applications of serious games to different domains. The workshop also aims to discuss the most common challenges when developing and validating serious games, as well as to highlight lessons learned from previous experiences.
A short introductory statement by RAYUELA project coordinator will be followed by short presentations from experts in the field on related previous projects and a discussion and Q&A session.
15-15:15 – Welcome, brief overview of the RAYUELA project, and speakers’ introduction
Gregorio López López; coordinator of the RAYUELA project. Assistant Professor. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
15:15 – 15:30 – OCARIoT: smart childhood Obesity CARing solution using IoT, gamification, and serious games
Ana Moya Cañas & Leire Bastida Merino, project Managers Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation
15:30 – 15:45 – INSPEC2T: overview and lessons learned from its awareness serious games to promote collaboration between LEAs and the community
Rubén Fernández Bleda, project Manager at European Projects Division. Valencia Local Police
15:45 – 16 – SIRIUS: Serious game to train LEAs to combat terrorism
Juan de Dios Toledo Martínez, Deputy Head of the EU IRU and Project Coordinator of SIRIUS. EUROPOL
16 – 16:15 – CONECTADO: Serious game to prevent cyberbullying
Baltasar Fernández Manjón, Full Professor. Telefónica-UCM Honorary Chair in Digital Education and Serious Games. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
16:15 – 16:45 – Discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Gregorio López López
Panelists: Baltasar Fernández Manjón, Juan de Dios Toledo Martínez, Rubén Fernández Bleda, Leire Bastida Merino, and Ana Moya Cañas
16:45 – 17: Final remarks, wrap-up and closing of the workshop