Technology and cybercrime: Different perspectives
This workshop, organized within the scope of the H2020 project RAYUELA (empoweRing and educAting YoUng pEople for the internet by pLAying), focuses on the role that technology (e.g., online social networks, messaging applications, Deep Web/Dark Web, etc.) plays in the cybercrimes considered in the project (online grooming, cyberbullying, and human trafficking). The workshop will cover how technological platforms are used to perpetrate such cybercrimes, as well as how technology can be used to detect and combat them, including the perspectives of key stakeholders such as Law Enforcement Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, technology providers, and academia. A short introductory statement will be followed by short presentations from experts in the field and a discussion and Q&A session.
15:00 – 15:10: Welcome, brief overview of the RAYUELA project, and speakers’ introduction
Gregorio López López
Coordinator of the RAYUELA project. Assistant Professor. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
15:10 – 15:25: Polícia Judicíaria’s experience to detect and report online grooming
Pedro Vicente and João Santos
Coordinator and Police Inspector. Polícia Judicíaria
15:25 – 15: 40: Cyberbullying and Online Social Network. Valencia Local Police’s experience
José A. Olivares
Police Officer. Valencia Local Police
15:40 – 15:55: Relationship between Child Sexual Exploitation and technology. A21’s experience
Loida Muñoz – A21
Country Manager – Spain. The A21 Campaign (A21)
15:55 – 16:10: Technology to detect and combat online grooming
Helena Pons-Charlet
Head of Legal, Digital Crimes Unit. Microsoft
16:10 – 16:25: Technology to detect and combat cyberbullying
Charalampos Chelmis
Assistant Professor, University at Albany – SUNY
16:25 – 16:55: Discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Gregorio López
Panelists: Susan Moody (Police Officer, Police Service of Northern Ireland), Charalampos Chelmis, Helena Pons-Charlet, Loida Muñoz Olmos, José A. Olivares, Pedro Vicente, and João Santos
16:55 – 17: Final remarks, wrap-up and closing of the workshop