D3.1 RAYUELA serious game design roadmap
This deliverable provides a detailed roadmap about the insights from technical WPs (WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6) and the process to design the serious game by integrating those insights about cybercrime behaviour and how it can be adequately implemented, observed, and measured within the game. To do so, Section 1 includes an introduction of the project and this deliverable. Section 2 defines a context analysis based on the conclusions extracted from a state of the art on different serious games based on cybercrimes that serve as basis for the design of the RAYUELA serious game and cocreation sessions to extract user requirements and technical requirements. Section 3 describes the different steps followed by a serious game design process based on the 4-axes of a memorable experience design process used by Tecnalia. Section 4 covers an initial roadmap for RAYUELA serious game by identifying the objectives, target audience, pleasures, indicators and scenarios for RAYUELA serious game and based on the serious game design process explained in Section 3. Finally, in Annex 1 it is included a state of the art on different serious games based on cybercrimes used to complete Section 2.1. Annex 2 it is included the set of scenarios identified by WP1, WP2 and WP6. In Annex 3 it is included the risk charts as the risk and protection factors to suffer or prevent a cybercrime (online grooming, cyberbullying, and human trafficking). In Annex 4, a specific questionnaire is included to take into consideration with the set of standard questionnaires to be used to collect information from target users.