D5.3/ D5.4 Supervised testing and real-piloting feedback report


D5.3: This deliverable focuses on the validation of the first release of the RAYUELA serious game developed in Task 3.3 and Task 3.4, including usability aspects and game mechanics. This validation has been performed through a total of 10 workshops organised with supervised testing groups in Belgium, Spain, Greece and France between May and July 2022. 

The approach followed for the organisation of the workshop includes two phases for this validation stage. The first phase focused on validating the first prototype of the RAYUELA serious game itself, while in the second phase not only the game but also the registration page and the integration of the game with the backend were validated. 

A total of 129 children between 11 and 16-17 years old were involved. All the feedback collected in the different workshops using the usability questionnaires has been analysed according to the following demographic segments: gender of the participants, age, and the country where the validation workshop took place. Visual plots have been generated to facilitate the analysis and explanation of the results. As a summary, the main findings show that the game has a good level of acceptance along all the pilot targets. There is no great differences per age. However, the gender-based and place-based analyses show some divergences along the different segments. 

Most children commented they enjoyed playing the game. They provided important feedback (collected by the organisers by observing the children and asking some questions) that will drive the second release of the RAYUELA serious game (D3.5 and D3.8), which will be ready by M26 (November 2022).