D6.2  Automatic Feature Selection and Machine Learning Algorithm Training 

Task 6.2. “Automatic Feature Selection and Machine Learning Algorithm Training” is the second task of Work Package (WP) 6 in the RAYUELA project. In this deliverable, we will use the synthetic data generated in T6.1 and the actual data collected from RAYUELA pilots for analysing and identifying hidden patterns to c...


D6.3 Profile matching and risk indicators for potential young victims and offenders

This deliverable represents the first outcome of Task 6.3 "Profile matching and definition of risk indicators for potential young victims and offenders", which is the third task of Work Package (WP) 6 in the RAYUELA project. This task obtains as input (from previous tasks) a series of potentially key identifiers/variab...


D7.1 Communication and dissemination plan

Cybersecurity is one of the Commission’s priorities in its response to the Coronavirus crisis, which has witnessed increased cyber attacks. RAYUELA is a project specifically conceived to address this sensitive issue, offering an unprecedented response in full alignment with the key objectives of the Commission’s Re...


D7.6 Customised capacity building program on cybercrime

Informal educational program for relevant stakeholders, experts, teachers, and scholars with an interest in cybercrime. It will provide a general overview of the project outputs, including recommendations on combat, protect and support of all initiatives against cybercrime


D7.8 – D7.10 Reports on communication and dissemination activities

The present report on communication and dissemination activities and strategy update aims to provide the latest information on the communication and dissemination tools developed in the projects. This report provides a full overview of the first phases of RAYUELA project, and an overview of all activities related to th...


D8.1 Project Management Handbook

Deliverable D8.1 – Project Management Handbook is a document of internal use within RAYUELA project, designated as “confidential” regarding the dissemination level, and which purpose is to provide a quick overview concerning the most relevant managerial aspects of the project. This deliverable is alive and will b...


D8.2 – D8.5 Interim progress reports

The internal procedure of the consortium is to ensure the correct progress of the project tasks at the middle point of each reporting period. Reports might include The interim reporting will cover technical progress, results, deliverables, and compliance with the WP schedule, as well as the monitoring and updating of t...


D8.6 Data Management Plan

The DMP (Data Management Plan) describes the methodology and standards applied for the collection, generation, access, processing, and preservation of data during the RAYUELA project. It also identifies which type of data can be made open access and which one will be kept as confidential, for how long, and who is respo...
